How to Register Your Students
What to do in advance:
To register your students please identify a teacher or adult leader for every group of 10 students. Please collect the following information from the leader:
Full Name
Gender Preference: M/ F/ Prefer Not to Disclose
Please also ensure you have the first and last names of each student who is participating and the school address which can be used as the address of your group throughout the registration process.
Please collect your race fee from all students and any donations. You may make one payment on behalf of your entire group. To participate in the event we encourage each student to raise $15 for their race fee. All race fees collected can be totaled together for a grand total that your class contributes. Our school program is meant to be inclusive therefore, if a student is unable to raise the full $15 we would encourage them to raise what they can and make the focus on participation.
Please go to and click on the image to take you to the registration options. Please select “School.” You will be asked to create a Running Room account for your team. Once you have created your account you will be able to register your first group of 10 students. If you have more than 10 students participating you can label following groups with your School Name and their group number. Eg. (Rosedale Elementary - Group 1, Rosedale Elementary - Group 2) When prompted for the location you will be participating at please choose your city location or “Virtual Group” if you will be participating on site at your school.